You may encounter some Shieldshears on the way - at this point in the questline you should easily take them out - and head north until you find a large rock by the water. Park the car on the S-bend nearby (specifically just to the south so you can leap over the barrier) and head to the river side.

This is just off the road between Rock of Ravatogh and the Vesperpool, specifically where the river heading south splits into two. Rainbow Frog location - between the Vesperpool and Rock of Ravatogh The frog will be by a rock just south of there. Most of the bank is paved in concrete, but head just south of where it changes to natural beach. Head to Fort Vaullerey (it's located in the south west of the game's map) and from there, take the short walk west to the river. Run south along the western side, going between the fence and the pond, and by the rock further north is the frog. Head there, and on the north east tip is a water tower. Locate where the 'Saxham Outpost' text is on the map - it's in west Duscae, to the west of Cauthess - and just above the 'x' is a small pond. On the northern tip of the eastern most lake (on the map it'll be south of the 's' and 't' in the area's text) and the frog will be on the lake's shore, under a bush. Go to Alstor Slough - it's in the east of Duscae - where there are two giant lakes to the east and west. Once you have started up the quest from Sania - she's back at the Meldacio Hunter HQ, where you found her for the Myrlwood Firefly quest. Let's Play Final Fantasy 15 - WHAT IS GOING ON (Xbox One Gameplay) The Frogs of Legend Rainbow Frog locations Additionally, you'll hear a frog croak when you're in the general vicinity use that as a general steer to know you're on the right path. Even if you're searching the right general area, narrowing down the exact location can be difficult, so we've provided map screens too. Unless you want to scour every body of water in the game, here are the locations of the five Rainbow Frogs you've looking for. The only clue? Their habitat is "water", and for a game with several lakes, rivers and coasts, that doesn't narrow it down by much. Afterwards, return to Sania.The Frogs of Legend quest - which follows The Professor's Protege's red and yellow frogs and Gigantoad, Wyvern, Mrylwood Firefly and Griffon hunts - is essentially a needle in a haystack, asking you to find five rainbow frogs somewhere across the game's vast map. She’ll ask you to find five Rainbow Frogs hidden in Lucis. Unlock Condition: Complete The Professor’s Protege – Griffon Using the Star of the Rogue is also effective thanks to its homing effect.Īfter you’ve obtained the quest item, return to Sania, The Frogs of Legend When it lands, take advantage of the opportunity to unleash attacks at will. When engaging the Griffon, be ready to defend and parry when it starts to fly around the battle zone.
You can reload your manual save or go back to the Lestallum tipster to report the hunt, then restart the quest. The Griffon will drop multiple items and the quest item you need will not also be obtained. It is also advised that you create a manual save. You can rest up at the nearby haven and have a cooked meal to buff your party. Be sure to bring along a Greatsword and Fire magic since the Griffon is weak to these. Then, head to the monster’s lair to the northwest of Coernix Station – Cauthess. You’ll first need to accept the Ruler of the Brave Skies hunting quest from Lestallum’s marketplace tipster. Speak to Sania at Coernix Station – Cauthess in Duscae. Unlock Condition: Complete The Professor’s Protege – Myrlwood Firefly After you’ve captured them, return to Sania. The three fireflies appear only at night and are located in the dungeon’s last area, outside of the Royal Tomb. She asks you to catch three fireflies in the Myrlwood. Speak to Sania at Meldacio Hunter HQ on the wooden terrace near the tunnel. Unlock Condition: Complete The Professor’s Protege – Wyvern The Professor’s Protege – Myrlwoof Firefly