Taking what you wanted, when you wanted it, and not worrying past getting it. His only value was survival, his only loyalty to me. "So I bonded, very young, to the only strong male in my world who was interested in me. The dwindling light of the fire made a shadowy landscape of his face. And they told Chivalry I'd knocked two men out and held off five others with a stave until the Guard came to tip the odds their way. My sergeant was disgusted, I'd made no friends among the common soldiers. By then my fellow guards wanted nothing more to do with me. The City Guard hauled me before him, still bloody, still drunk, still wanting to fight. "The third time they dragged me in, it was for brawling in a tavern. He went on again at last, almost unwillingly. I heard him shoulder deeper into his bed. A life, rather than a living."īurrich cleared his throat again. He made me see it was more than rules, it was a way of being. He taught me to be a man, not a beast in a man's shape.

He showed them to me as a man's values, not just manners for inside a woman's house. He put a value on what my mother and grandmother had tried to instill in me so long ago. Then in general charge of the pack beasts and wagon animals. "He taught me numbers first, then reading. "Right on target." The sound he made might have been a laugh, if not so freighted with bitterness. Like a dog, or a stallion, I thought it was the only way to establish position with the others. In the first month I was with Chivalry, I was up before him for discipline twice. I didn't meet their standards as a man, let alone as a soldier. I had run out of money and been painfully sober for three days.
#Honey lay down and fall fall fall crack#
These were crack troops, his personal guard. I don't know why his sergeant took me on. He'd come to Rippon to settle a boundary dispute between Shoaks and Rippon duchies. Eventually, to become a soldier again, this time for a young prince named Chivalry. Besides, there were scarcely enough animals left in that stable to warrant calling it such. Keeping them alive kept me from killing myself. Neko died, just a day after he started to sicken. "Some kind of horse plague went through that man's stables. Up the coast, to Rippon." He cleared his throat. "Duke Grizzle sold Neko and six mares, and I went with them. He sat down on one of the chairs and stared into the fire. I watched him as he turned it several times in his hands. He went to the table and picked up the bottle of elderberry wine that Chade had left. Why soldier for no pay and extra duties?" He docked my pay and gave me more duties. He cocked his head as a dog will when it hears something far off. I stood before him, ready to hate him, and he just looked at me. Everyone expected Chivalry to discharge me the second time. what we might have been in different circumstances. And something like recognition passed between us. I stood there before him and I met his eyes. Almost all his troops were older than I I had expected to confront a middle-aged man. "The first time I was hauled before the Prince, bloody and struggling still, I was shocked to see we were of an age. He said he feared more to stay, feared he could not keep his resolve with you. "Chade said I should leave you tomorrow," he said quietly.

It was little different from dying oneself. But Burrich had experienced the actual, violent death of his bond companion.
#Honey lay down and fall fall fall how to#
"Only in the way that people who know one another best know how to hurt one another best," I pleaded.īurrich had taken Nosy away from me when I was less than that age.