The Vikings have limited space in their inventory which they can use to keep various items.

The player controls one Viking at a time, but can switch between them at any point. The player has to use the three Vikings as a team if he wants to get past the increasingly difficult levels and puzzles. Baleog the Fierce can shoot things with his arrows (including switches) or kill things with his sword. Olaf the Stout has a shield which can block attacks, function as an air glider or as a step to stand on. Character abilities: All three Vikings (Erik, Baleog and Olaf) have three health points which they can lose by getting hurt by enemies or by falling from great. Eric the Swift can jump, run and bash through walls with his tough helmet. Instead of one character who can jump, run, shoot, collect items, flip switches and so on, there are three different characters, each with his own skills. The Lost Vikings is a side-scrolling platform puzzle game with a twist. The three Vikings will have to combine their unique skills to defeat Tomator, as well as a vast array of aliens, robots, giant snails, big lizards and more. Three Vikings, Eric the Swift, Olaf the Stout and Baleog the Fierce, were kidnapped by the alien Tomator, the evil Croutonian ruler, who is collecting unique life forms to display in his gallery. Play The Lost Vikings online! The Lost Vikings game description If you find this information helpful in a project you're working on, please give credit where credit is due.The Lost Vikings is a puzzle-platform video game developed by Silicon & Synapse (now Blizzard Entertainment) and published by Interplay. This file format was reverse engineered by Eirik. The following tools are able to work with files in this format.

394: Tiles for 2nd splashscreen in the menu.387: Metatiles (4 tiles forms 1 metatile) (416 B = 52 * 8 B).52 unique metatiles (each metatile is 16 x 16 and consist of 4 tiles) 390: Pointers to the other chunk IDs (81 B).Note that the 16-bit value for the decompressed size means that no file can exceed 65,535 bytes in length.įirst image in menu ("Interplay (tm)" splashscreen): Endian/swap: Read bytes "AB CD" into an integer of value 0xCDAB.Minimum length to write lookback: 3 bytes.Size of LZSS "offset" field: 12 lower bits (making the window size 4096 bytes).Size of LZSS "length" field: 4 upper bits.There doesn't appear to be any way to identify which files are and aren't compressed, other than hard-coding a list.įor those files that are compressed, they begin with a single UINT16LE containing the decompressed file size, followed by the compressed data using LZSS compression with the following properties: Those files that are not compressed are those at these indexes: 0, 1, 380, 384, 529, 530, 531, 534 (with 0 being the first file). Immediately after the list of offsets, at the first offset given, the data for the first file begins.
For the last file (where there is no following offset) use the size of the archive file. To calculate the file sizes, subtract the following file's offset from the current file's offset. All three Vikings (Erik, Baleog and Olaf) have three health points which they can lose by getting hurt by enemies or by falling from great heights, and the ability to carry and use items, mainly keys, bombs, and food (which restore health points). To calculate the file count, read the first offset and divide it by 4. The beginning of the file contains a list of offsets for each file.įile content starts immediately after last offset. Some example archives that are misdetected as Lost Vikings are Death Rally BPA Format archives containing four files, and Terminal Velocity POD Format archives also containing four files. Note that any file that starts with the bytes 00 00 00 04 will look like a valid archive containing a single large file, so some format misidentification is unavoidable. Each offset must be larger than the previous one (otherwise the file sizes would be negative), and must not point past the end of the archive file. There is no signature, so the file offsets must be checked for validity.